News about the project

Project updates from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – November 2019

Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed and established a comprehensive characterization protocol for studying and optimizing the diamond substrates, both in terms of growth parameters and post-processing (fabrication, implantation, irradiation, surface termination).


The characterization protocol, detailed in the report, includes techniques for measuring a broad range of relevant parameters, including NV density, concentrations of other impurities, and precise spectral characterization of external noise sources. Therefore, the report provides a full set of tools for diamond-NV characterization for hyper-polarization, and meets the goal of the deliverable in a timely manner.

This characterization and optimization is crucial for achieving the desired performance of the hyper-polarization device, and the protocol described here will be employed continually throughout the project to enable the ultimate goal of the project.

Figure: Pulsed noise spectroscopy. Pulsed dynamical deoucpling sequneces (such as CPMG, left), are applied to measure the decohrence (top right), which is deconvolved with the control filter function (middle right) to result in the extracted noise spectrum (bottom right).